About Us

We are ordinary people.

Rev. Karen Alleyne-Harper

Rev. Karen Alleyne-Harper is a woman of character, called to lead but also humbly submissive to leadership.  A faithful daughter – accepting responsibility as a privilege and not a burden, Karen joyfully serves those around her.

A passionate, caring, thoughtful mother of 2 and wife of one husband, she was saved in 1985, but her growth in the Lord really began in 1990 when she became involved with a ministry team called Highest Praise.  A member of the team for eleven years, she has travelled throughout the Caribbean, ministering and teaching.  Karen has also traveled to Bulgaria in Eastern Europe where she continued her labour of love in assisting brothers and sisters in Christ to improve their lifestyle through a better understanding of God’s Word.  In 2004, Karen seized the opportunity to use the medium of radio and television to assist others in developing a closer walk with the Lord.  

Karen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting, a Master’s degree in Business Administration with a focus in Business Finance, as well as an LLB.  It is her interest in finances that propelled her to search the Scriptures in order to understand what God requires of us financially.  Her personality causes her to challenge the established norms, to study to show herself approved, rightly dividing the Word of truth. 


Being a Christian isn’t complicated or political; it’s simply falling in love with Jesus Christ. We’re ordinary people with ordinary lives and ordinary problems, coming together for an extraordinary experience in the presence of the Lord. No magic answers. No secret formulas. Just simple faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

Rev. Karen Alleyne-Harper